Heng Long 6.1S Motherboard

Heng Long 6.1S Motherboard

Heng Long
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Listed here is a Heng Long 6.1S motherboard. It is the latest motherboard they offer. Below is the comparisons of the last few HL board revisions:

  • 6.0 - 2S 7.4V lipo support, plastic housing, and independent light control
  • 6.0S - 2S 7.4V lipo support, plastic housing, front/rear light control (paired together, not individual), and left hand throttle mode (alternate driving layout), smoker/fan dual driver support
  • 6.1S - 2S-3S 7.4-11.1V lipo support, aluminum housing, front/rear light control (paired together, not individual), left hand throttle mode (alternate driving layout), smoker/fan dual driver support, T-plug battery connector, support for cannon servo recoil and servo elevation, and support for light sensor and cannon stabilizer

The 6.1S board features these basic features as well as the advanced features above:

  • Proportional forward/reverse main track control
  • Turret left and right control
  • Separate up and down barrel elevation
  • Cannon and Machine gun sounds
  • 5 complete tank sound sets built in
  • Advanced smoke unit control (pump and fan separate)


  • (x1) Heng Long 6.1S Motherboard
  • (x1) Instructions


Please be aware the HL 6.1S, 6.0S, and 6.0 motherboards have different wiring from the Taigen tanks. It will not work stock without a rewire to get it working properly. HL includes in the instructions a diagram on what item does what if you wish to retrofit this item into a new tank. It can work in a TG tank, but you will need to wire it a bit differently to match the HL scheme.
